Full Featured Real Estate Website with WordPress
February 3, 2016
Real Estate Lead Generation Platform Preview Realty Web Syndicate Dashboard
March 8, 2016The RWS Dashboard is your central portal for managing Prospects, Messages, Website traffic and Property Listings. The RWS Dashboard will provide you with the metrics you need to measure the performance of your Internet marketing. Realty Web Syndicate vision is for a Lead Generation Platform specifcally designed for the Real Estate Industry and brokerages.
The RWS Dashboard is a self-serve real estate CRM platform for real estate professionals, teams and brokerages.
Our easy-to-use, real-time platform allows you to create and manage:
- Manage Prospects
- View Messages
- Real-time Website Traffic Monitoring
RWS Dashboard is a real-time Real Estate CRM and Website Traffic Monitoring platform for real estate professionals who need tools that are easy enough to use, but powerful enough to produce real-world results.
Our flagship API product includes built-in tools that make it easy to monitor, measure and manage your own lead generation campaigns.
RWS provides real estate brokers with tools for keeping track of leads on their agents websites.
The RWS Dashboard allows agents to easily view all their prospects’ information and track their activity like favorite listings, save searches and email listing alerts. The RWS Dashboard helps close more real estate transactions.
Turning leads into customers is about knowing who they are and what they want. With the RWS lead management tools, agents can capture and manage prospects on any RWS website, helping them manage and prioritize their leads.
Real estate sales is about building relationships over the long term which requires contacting clients by email messaging and telephone. With the RWS Dashboard, you can track relationships over time and use visitors’ behavior to learn more about their needs.
RWS Dashboard benefits
Dashboard – The Dashboard includes Prospects CRM for managing leads, Messages, Website traffic and Property Listings. the Dashboard provide you with the metrics you need to measure the performance of your Internet marketing.
Prospects – View includes Contact Relationship Management (CRM) tools. Prospect Tools include viewing Favorite Listings, Save Search and Email Alerts. Assign status and make notes on prospects.
Messages – View and search messages received through the website.
Visitors – Get an overview of your website’s visitor traffic.
- Visitor Summary – Get an overview of your website’s visitor traffic. Includes draggable widgets for customizing your view.
- Visitor Log – View recent visitor activity on your website. Visitor Log feature, it provides details on recent visitor activity on your website. You can view a visitor profile for each visitor to see an aggregate of their details and activity.
Listings – View your listings
Autoresponder for automatically replying to inquiries from site
Our Commitment to Lead Generation Platform for the Real Estate Industry
The RWS team understands that innovation will greatly impact our customers and deepen the value of our business. This outlook is responsible for developing our industry leading real estate platform, which powers everything from our hosted IDX services to real-time, high traffic analytic services. We utilize massive sets of MLS data to deliver large, highly scaled web applications. Our platform runs on a varied technology stack and we work within different engineering techniques, such as enterprise level data driven programming. Since we are technology focused, our groundbreaking approach will help shape our company and our products, every single day.